Rising Consciousness Community offers:
Entheogenic Plant Medicine
Conferences & Guided Microdosing Courses
About Microdosing
Your one-stop resource center for learning about
Entheogenic Medicine and what it can do for you!
I am here to guide you, educate you, encourage and empower you to change and grow through the daily practice of Microdosing. We strive to use this natural, alternative medicine to help you unlock and achieve your highest potentials.
~ Kyle Cetrulo, the Founder and Director of the Rising Consciousness Community
Microdosing Guided Courses
Rising Consciousness Community provides the most cutting edge and leading information on the ever changing and developing world of Psychedelics and to provide greater access to community.
Learn from amazing teachers and guides who are actively involved in making the world and society a better, happier place using Entheogenic Plant Medicine.
The Psychedelic Renaissance or Revolution
Now, in the psychedelic Renaissance, or revolution, or whatever you want to call it, Macrodosing has an enormous place. And macrodosing is what has been studied in the clinical trials at John Hopkins, and at MAPS and their MDMA program. Macrodoing is taking large amounts of psychedelics in a controlled therapeutic setting.
✦ Psychedelic Retreat Centers
✦ Coaching and Psychedelic Therapy
Vet Info & Resources
All Veterans deserve our love and respect for the sacrifices that they made in service for our freedom. Today Veterans returning to civilian life continue to struggle with this transition and 22 Veterans commit suicide everyday which is entirely unacceptable. Plant Medicine has helped many Veterans deal with mental health issues and the Rising Consciousness Community is committed to doing all that we can to support veterans looking to access Plant Medicine.
Microdosing is the practice of consuming extremely small amounts of psilocybin on a scheduled protocol. The amount of the psilocybin is so small that the effects are subperceptive meaning that you do not hallucinate nor do you feel any effects that are expected during a larger or macrodose of psilocybin. You can drive, go to work and manage every aspect of a normal day in the 3D reality. And in fact, you feel more stimulus from your coffee than from your microdose.
Relieve stress and anxiety
Break negative habits
Rewire neuronal brain pathways
Surface buried emotions
Increase level of happiness
Improve life satisfaction
Join me each morning in a guided meditation, and or discussion, as we set the day’s intention together. Following the intention setting, I remain available to the group who wishes to discuss the feelings and emotions that arise.
Where you are is exactly where you are supposed to be, but the goal I set is to help to improve your level of happiness and satisfaction with life.
About Our Podcast
The Rising Consciousness Community podcast is a place for experts in the field of psychedelic plant medicine to share their perspectives and stories.
Listen and learn from extraordinary Guides with tremendous wisdom and experience working with Entheogens.
Book a Free Consultation
I am thrilled that you are here to discover the expansive benefits microdosing and I would love to work with you to reconnect to nature through the use of this novel alternative healing method!